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On November 14, the workshop “Agricultural Innovation for Sustainability: opportunities, barriers and impacts in the use of reclaimed water in La Axarquía” will take place, organized by BIOAZUL, the University of Almería and the University of Córdoba, and supported by the European Union and the PRIMA foundation through the BONEX project.

This will be the second for this workshop that will take place on Tuesday, November 14 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the TROPs event room in Vélez-Málaga and which promises to be a unique opportunity to learn and collaborate on solutions that address the problem of drought in the Axarquía region.

The workshop will feature a series of presentations and participatory activities where experts from CEBAS-CSIC, IHSM-La Mayora, University of Almería, University of Córdoba, Junta de Andalucía and BIOAZUL will attend.

The work that began in last year’s workshop will continue with the idea of working in more depth on the barriers and impacts associated with water reuse, a practice that is gaining great importance in the region but for which it is It is essential to transfer and exchange knowledge to maximize its benefits and minimize its risks. In addition, a participatory analysis of barriers and impacts will be carried out, which will allow a valuable exchange of ideas to identify the most important aspects that must be resolved for the optimal use of regenerated water.

To participate in the event you must register here (free entry until capacity is reached).


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