
Ozone is a natural component of the clean, dry air we breathe. Among the characteristics of ozone, its ability to destroy, through oxidation, bacteria, viruses and germs in general stands out. Due to the unstable nature of ozone, it must be generated at the point of use; its subsequent decomposition being very fast under normal conditions.

National manufacturing equipment

The ozone generators distributed by BIOAZUL are on-site ozone generators that allow air treatment quickly.

This is domestically manufactured industrial equipment, designed with the most advanced technology for sanitizing and oxidizing microorganisms in the air. They can be fixed, portable and even custom designed.

Ozone can be applied in air to sanitize cold rooms, rooms and work areas; or, applied to water for irrigation of crops, improving water quality and cleaning pipes and drippers. BIOAZUL offers, in addition to the purchase option, the possibility of renting systems for spaces of up to 6,000m3.


The ozone generators distributed by BIOAZUL are Spanish-made, whose manufacturer is a full member of EUOTA and co-owner of the dossier that allows the manufacture and sale of ozone treatment equipment in compliance with the regulations indicated in the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR) of the EU (Equipment with C classification according to UNE 400-201-94 standard). BIOAZUL guarantees that its products and services are legal in Spain (and the rest of the EU), as well as their maximum quality, safety and efficacy.


Portable ozonator for sanitizing small rooms or workplaces (P Series)

This portable ozonator allows the treatment of the air in a room quickly and easily. Thanks to its portable design, it can be easily moved from one place to another. Its application is very simple, it is enough to support the device on a flat surface at a height between 0.5 and 1.5 meters, connect it to a 220V network and turn it on inside the room to be disinfected.

The application time is short, allowing the room to be sanitized in a maximum of 12 minutes. These are portable computers.

Fixed ozonator for chambers or rooms with the option of air application (DA industrial series)

This ozonator allows the sanitization of cold rooms and work areas thanks to the production of ozone through air or water, depending on the characteristics of the space to be sanitized. This industrial ozone generator is a fixed type equipment controlled by an automaton.

Its main advantages are:

– Zero chemical residues inside the cold chambers – Reduction of product loss – Ethylene degradation – Elimination of fungi – Listeria control

Portable ozonator for shock treatment in chambers or rooms with air application (MDPA industrial series)

This portable ozonator allows shock treatment for the sanitization of cold rooms and work areas through the application of ozone in the air.

The equipment is controlled by an automaton. BIOAZUL also offers the option of renting this equipment for installations of up to 6,000 m3.

Its main advantages are:

– Zero chemical residues inside the cold chambers – Ethylene degradation – Disinfection in less than 1 hour for volumes up to 5000 m3

Ozonizer for crop irrigation (MTA Industrial Series)

This ozonator equipment allows the elimination of fungi, viruses and bacteria in the water that is going to be used for irrigation and allows the irrigation pipes to be kept clean and disinfected, thus avoiding the generation of biofilm and improving subsequent fertilization.

Its main advantages are:

– Additive savings – Zero chemical waste – Improved performance of the fertilizers used – Reduced risk of diseases – Improved overall appearance – Greater profitability in the farm – Fully automatic system

Fixed ozonator for the elimination of odors and pollutants (Series F)

This ozonator equipment generates healthy and clean air in schools, children’s, gyms, geriatric centers, clinics, offices, restaurants, changing rooms, bathrooms, etc. This ozonator does not need any type of chemical fuel that involves added costs and burdens the environment more. Its design destroys odors and does not camouflage them with others.

Its main advantages are:

– Elimination of pathogens – Zero waste – It is generated on site – Low power consumption