Addressing societal challenges through nature-based solutions

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Connecting Nature will provide nature-based solutions to tackle societal challenges affecting our cities

The project Connecting Nature and the coordination platform ThinkNature will be hosting the Horizon 2020 Clustering Action “ Transforming Cities, Enhancing Well-being: innovating with nature-based solutions “ on the 16th, 17th and 18th of May 2018 at the University of A Coruña (Spain).

This event, in which BIOAZUL is participating as a partner of Connecting Nature project, will bring together representatives from the European Commission and other international institutions involved in funding, monitoring and evaluating nature-based solutions, such as the United Nations Environment Programme, the European Investment Bank and the European Environment Agency. Furthermore, other H2020 funded projects dealing with nature-based solutions (i.e. Urban GreenUP, GROW GREEN and UNALAB) as well as pioneer cities, public institutions, green businesses, financial institutions, civil society, media, culture organisations and researchers are also invited to join and debate on a diversity of urban experiments and to share the lessons they have learnt.

nature-based solutions vertical garden in the city / soluciones basadas en la naturaleza

The Clustering Action will focus on three main topics:

  • Sustainable Urbanization in Cities and Restoration of Degraded Ecosystems
  • Towards a reference framework for thriving cities with nature-based solutions
  • Enhancing innovation potential through new governance and business models for nature-based solutions

In addition, leading experts and practitioners are invited to engage in discussions, sharing experiences and showcasing activities, with a view to systematic evidence on how the multifunctionality of nature-based solutions can be used to improve our cities’ livability in the face of climate change.

Together with the Clustering Action, a fair will be organized where other cities, green businesses and similar initiatives are invited to present their nature-based solutions experiences publicly.

Find out more about the event here.

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