The Andalusian Government is committed to R&D&I for economic growth

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On June 14, 2022, the Government Council of Andalusia approved the Andalusian R&D&I Strategy (EIDIA), Horizon 2027, which represents a commitment to R&D&I as the basis for economic growth in the region, competitive, sustainable and inclusive growth, firmly based on science and knowledge.

The adoption of a viable economic model inexorably requires research, development and innovation so as not to compromise future generations and thus move forward under the premise of comprehensive sustainability, achieving lasting, fair and viable growth in Andalusia. The EIDIA is conceived as a guiding document to guide public R&D&I policies in the Community over the next six years, and is the instrument for programming, coordination, revitalization and evaluation that replaces the previous Andalusian Plan for Research, Development and Innovation – PAIDI 2020.

Its preparation has been approached from an integrating perspective, in line with what is established in the main regional, national and European public plans and strategies in the field of science and innovation, but also in other documents that govern different sectoral policies that affect, to a greater or lesser extent, to a lesser extent, in the progress of R&D&I or are sustained by it.

These instruments include, at a regional level, the Andalusia S4 Strategy or the Strategy for Research and Innovation in Health 2020-2023, but also the Strategy for the Economic Transformation of Andalusia, Horizon 2027 or the Strategy for Public Procurement of Innovation. In the national context, the Spanish Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation (EECTI) 2021-2027 and the State Plans for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation and others, of a more transversal nature, such as the Spanish Strategy for Sustainable Development 2030.

At the international level, it should be noted that the temporary scenario of the EIDIA coincides with the Multiannual European Financial Framework 2021-2027 and the Next Generation Funds, the recovery package launched by the European Union to alleviate the effects of the coronavirus pandemic ( COVID-19).

Likewise, the Andalusian Strategy is fully aligned with the criteria and approaches contained in what is, today, the main source of funding for European R&D&I: the Horizon Europe programme.

The plan is structured around three strategic objectives (SO):

  • SO 1: Increase the weight of science and technology in the Andalusian economy
  • SO 2: Increase the percentage of the population dedicated to R&D activities
  • SO 3: Raise knowledge transfer levels

Through the definition of the 7 strategic lines proposed, the Andalusian Government seeks to achieve the strategic objectives defined above, having defined a bank of indicators for each strategic objective, establishing, for each of them, an objective for the year 2027 based on a baseline .

To achieve the objectives and strategic lines, 19 programs have been designed, which in turn consist of a total of 122 projects that develop them. These Programs offer a compendium of the actions in the field of science and technology that have been planned by the different Ministries with responsibilities in R&D&I for the next period 2022-2027.

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