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Nature Futures 2023: Emerging Trends for Nature Based Enterprises

March 15, 2023 @ 14:00 - 15:30 CET

This inaugural event discusses future trends for nature based enterprises across the globe in 2023 & beyond. From regenerative agriculture, tourism and forestry to green buildings, natural water management and smart tech solutions, industry leaders summarise key trends influencing nature-based enterprises working with and for nature.

Event Format

This is an online webinar event, however, rather than have a conventional panel discussion, we will pair guest speakers from 10 industry sub-sectors in 5 engaging 15 minute conversations about what the key trends are in, for example, Regenerative Tourism & Health & Wellbeing.

Together with our industry leading guest speakers we will look at how nature based enterprises can best position themselves to take advantage of those trends and the opportunities or challenges they bring.

Session Pairings, Speakers & Topcis

Regenerative Tourism & Health & Wellbeing

  • Speakers: Ruth Spencer (MEPA Trust) & Anna Maria Palsdottir (SLU)
    • Ruth brings us insights from Antigua where there are 4 tourists for every resident and the waste per capita ratio is ten times higher than the EU. Through local community empowerment, can nature and tourism coexist and work to restore marine ecosystems and mangrove forests that bring forth an abundance of biodiversity.
    • Anna Maria will offer the latest trends, challenges and opportunities that nature and the great outdoors offer for human wellbeing and mental health. Social prescribing has taken off in Scotland with GPs prescribing walks in nature and mountain rambles, but how can this be scaled or is it organically catching on?

Green Buildings & Water Management

  • Speakers: Moein Nodehi (Biotonomy) & Fabio Masi (IRIDRA)
    • Moein paints a vision of NbS integration in buildings, beyond vertical gardens and green roofs. He will discuss the challenge of greenwashing as the sector moves forward at pace and explore the role of buildings in ecosystem restoration.
    • Fabio will discuss nature-based solutions in and for water. From flood management to wastewater reuse in agriculture and close-loop water recycling in urban settlements to the integration of functional blue-green infrastructure in the urban mode.

Ecosystem Restoration & Regenerative Agriculture    

  • Speakers: Paul Jepson (Ecosulis) & Philippe Birker (Climate Farmers)
    • Paul is a visionary thought leader in ecosystem restoration and nature finance and asks if we can put a value on natural capital and restoring the integrity of ecosystems large and small – be that rural, urban or elsewhere.
    • Philippe is a bovine advocate in every sense & will discuss the challenges of scaling organic farming to meet supermarket demand as well as the bigger opportunity before us – putting the farmer back at the centre of our agricultural system.

Regenerative Forestry & Smart Tech

  • Speakers: Ray Ó Foghlú (Hometree) & Max Lerner (NYC Parks & Recreation)
    • At 40% of EU land cover, are our forests a commodity or an amenity? Can trees be all things to all people and the planet at the same time? Ray explores the trends, challenges and opportunities from urban pocket forests to landscape, national and regional approaches.
    • Max Lerner joins us from New York to offer unique and practical insights on using smart tech such as smart sensors in urban forest settings and tree pits and bioswales to manage flood water.

Urban Landscapes & Community Engagement

  • Speakers: Daniela Rizzi (ICLEI) & Dimitra Xidous (EM|Path)
    • Daniela discusses the New European Bauhaus initiative, its 3 principles of inclusion, aesthetics & sustainability and how the conversation still lacks a focus on nature and NbS. We are reminded of a quote from Ursula von de Leyen’s 2020 State of the Union address – “If the European Green Deal has a soul, then it is the New European Bauhaus.” (Source)
    • Dimitra will present how a co-creative, arts based process that brings together expertise from anthropology, architecture and urban design to public health policy and sustainable resource management can help stakeholders bridge the gap that exists when nature is left out of the conversation.

Who is the event for?

  1. Nature Based Enterprises working with and for nature – Come and join us!
    • This could be in the 10 sub-sectors above or new sub-sectors also
  2. If you’re already a signed up member, join us to hear about relevant trends!
    • There will be significant overlaps across sectors we are keen to identify
  3. Lastly, if you’re interested in or working in support of the nature positive economy, please, lend us your ears & join the event.
    • Ideas & contributions are warmly invited.

What else do you need to know?

  • Our Guest Speakers are thought & business leaders in their respective fields who have led the way in demonstrating that nature based enterprises can deliver for our communities and our planet. They will be announced here and on social media closer to the event.
  • With over 2,000 community members on the Connecting Nature Enterprise Platform, this is expected to be a well attended event with input from wide and far.
  • We will be promoting the event across our platform and channels as well as through a wide reaching network across Europe and the rest of the World.
  • We will also be launching our newly revamped Connecting Nature Enterprise Platform & look forward to feedback from new & existing community members.

Event Details

  • Date: Wednesday 15th of March @ 14.00 CET (13.00 GMT)
  • Duration: 90 minutes
  • Zoom Link: …to follow
  • Registration: Free of charge


March 15, 2023
14:00 - 15:30 CET