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The IWA Development Congress & Exhibition Nairobi, held in Nairobi, Kenia 14th-17th October 2013 was one of IWA’s main biennial events addressing urban water management issues in low and middle income countries. The Congress attracted 1056 delegates working as water professionals for companies and institutions. Mr. Rafael Casielles represented BIOAZUL and attended the Congress with CLARA project team.

The IWA Development Congress and Exhibition provided a unique opportunity to signpost best practices, applied research and enabling policies to meet the water and sanitation challenges of today and tomorrow in an increasingly urbanizing world.

The overarching goal of IWA’s Development Congress series was to identify, showcase and debate practical experiences and examples of service provision in developing countries that ‘work’, and critically, ‘work at large scale’. The Congress was therefore explicitly solutions focused, rather than diagnosing the challenges and problems in the sector, which are already well documented.

Within this framework, the themes and topics of the Congress were relevant to the arena in which most progress in terms of coverage and implementation solutions must be made: urban service provision in low and middle income countries. The overarching theme for the 2013 Development Congress and Exhibition was Catalysing Urban Water Transitions.

The IWA Development Congress featured a mix of workshops, seminars, plenary sessions, side events, award ceremonies, poster sessions and exhibition events programme. Here can Together with our core partners, we will present a programme of highly interactive plenary sessions and workshops, and debate style sessions in which participants will gain a thorough understanding of key issues and solutions and actively share their experiences.

CLARA Simplified Planning Tool was presented during the 3rd session about “Methods and tools for assessing and planning sanitation in developing countries” by the general coordinator Mr. Günter Langergraber and some of the partners of the project.

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