Summer School “Renaturing cities: Nature-Based Solutions”

Reading time: 2

Once Horizon 2020 has been reached, we continue to face important challenges such as unsustainable urbanization, the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services, climate change and the increasingly numerous natural disasters, among other pandemics such as the one experienced. Currently, more than 70% of the European population lives in cities, and it is expected to increase to more than 80% in the middle of the century. The so-called Nature-Based Solutions and Green Infrastructures allow solving questions related to urban design, water management or mobility through viable solutions that use “nature thinking” and the properties of natural ecosystems and the services they provide in a smart and ecological way.

The International University of Andalusia organizes from September 14 to 17 the Summer School “Renaturing cities: Nature-Based Solutions”, in which part of the Bioazul team will participate in some sessions. Antonia Lorenzo will talk about the role of blue infrastructure and Gerardo González will share his experience in the Connecting Nature project and its application in the city of Malaga.

This summer school aims to show the potential of these solutions against gray infrastructure when it comes to their application in our cities. For this, a review of the most relevant good practices in the Mediterranean European and national territory applied to the local environment will be carried out and led by the Malaga SbN-Lab Cluster (of which Bioazul is a member).

The target audience of the course varies from undergraduate and graduate students of a wide range of disciplines: from architecture, economic and legal sciences to geography and environmental sciences. The school also wants to reach, with its retraining and updating training, technicians from the public administration and companies in the sector.

Click here for registration and more information. Once inside the official page of the course, select the “Admission and Enrollment” section, where all the steps to follow to enroll are indicated.

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