Today we celebrate the World Environment Day with AndaLimpia

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Today 5th June, we celebrate the “World Environment Day, established by the United Nations (UN) in its resolution of the 15th December of 1972.

China will be the host country during this year’s celebration – dedicated to the fight against air pollution. The published data are alarming: 92% of the inhabitants of the planet do not breathe clean air and more than 7 million people die prematurely every year due to air pollution.

The celebration of World Environment Day not only offers an opportunity to raise awareness throughout the general public about the current environmental crisis, but also seeks to encourage different governments to take effective measures thanks to a well-informed and aware citizenship capable of demanding specific actions to their representatives.

The environmental commitment of the business sector is fundamental to achieve the different goals set by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Day to day there are more instruments and platforms that aim to promote corporate sustainability and facilitate the transfer of good practices between different organizations. As an example, we can mention COMparte, the Platform of Good Practices in Sustainability.

We would like to point out the contribution of BIOAZUL to sustainable business development as a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact since April 9, 2013 and member of the Andalusian Network Against Climate Change (REDAC) since that year. The activities developed by BIOAZUL are strongly linked to the resolution of the social challenges associated with sustainable water management, not only in the city of Málaga but also at the state and international level. The technological solutions offered play a fundamental role in our commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals, especially those that strive for clean water and sanitation (SDG6), sustainable cities and communities (SDG11), responsible consumption and production (SDG12) and climate action (SDG13).

Today as World Environment Day we would like to make special mention of those associations and local entities that are key to the protection of the environment. This is the case of AndaLimpia Association. This voluntary association from Málaga is dedicated to carrying out cleaning raids to collect garbage from beaches, mountains and streams in the city, seriously affected by human contamination. Although it was set up just one year ago, its members have already collected more than 3,000 kilos of waste thanks to the more than 20 cleaning activities organized throughout the province. This type of organizations also acts as facilitators of corporate volunteering activities, organizing workshops and clean-ups for companies such as ORACLE, NOVASOL and OPPLUS.


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